
The main missions
The firm is registered with the Order of Chartered Accountants of the Lyon Rhône-Alpes region.
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  • Outsourcing of administrative tasks and bookkeeping.
  • Monitoring and review.
  • Establishment of intermediate situations.
  • Preparation of reporting or dashboard, monitoring Actual/Budget.
  • Preparation of the accounts.
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  • Mise en place de comptabilité analytique
  • Examen des procédures.
  • Visa pour les Associations/Centres de Gestion Agréés
  • Audit d’acquisition, due diligence avant prise de participation.
  • Accompagnement dans la transmission d’entreprise.
  • Établissement de dossiers de demandes d’aides, de subventions.
  • Relations avec les organismes financiers, recherche de financements.
  • Aide à la création d’entreprise.
  • Aide au choix d’un logiciel comptable..
  • .


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  • Preparation and review of tax returns
    (including income tax and property wealth tax).
  • Advice in relation to lawyers.
  • Assistance in the event of tax audits.
  • Tax advice: exemptions, allowances..
  • Assistance in the event of a tax audit
  • .


We can take care of the management of salaries and your human resources

  • Ensure compliance with legal and contractual provisions.
  • Prepare specific pay slips and wages (trainees, apprentices, assisted contracts).
  • Fulfill social and tax declarations relating to payroll.
  • Complete the various declarations or attestations related to staff movements.
  • Manage declarations and telepayments.
  • Assist and advise in labour law: resignation, dismissal, termination of employment, exceptional leave, accidents at work…
  • Assist in determining a coverage strategy for pension plans and retirement.
  • Analyze social protection contracts: mutual insurance, invalidity, death, provident insurance, etc.
  • Prepare a summary of pension entitlements and calculate vested entitlements.
  • Establish a social diagnosis in the form of a compliance audit with regard to the rules in force (legislation, safety).
  • Analyze the state of personnel management, look for actions to be implemented to optimize social management.
  • Analyze the company’s vocational training policy.
  • Study the software change and assist with implementation.
  • Prepare and deliver training courses on labour law: social updating
  • Prepare and design specific training courses: reduction of FILLON, TEPA, action plans, etc.


The tasks of the chartered accountant and his collaborators are intended to extend far beyond the accounting issue alone.

Their training as generalists enables them to listen to companies and their managers, both in terms of their accounting organisation and in terms of the economic, tax, legal, financial or social problems that may arise.

Creation or takeover

Advice in connection with a business takeover or creation project or (for example, for the preparation of business plans or provisional accounts).

Management Tools

Implementation of budget management monitoring tools, incentive dashboards


Evaluation missions, to concerning all asset, financial or business combination transactions.

Cash position

Advice on cash management or investment financing. Assistance in the request for bank financing.

Internal control

Implementation and verification of the company’s internal control procedures.


Support in management choices: the tax or social regime best adapted to the situation of the company and its manager.

Contact us


Head office
404, rue du Vuache
74580 Viry

+33 (7) 83 07 36 82

Secondary establishment
70, rue Louis et Auguste Lumière
01630 Saint Genis Pouilly

+33 (9) 52 51 83 48

+33 (9) 57 51 83 48

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C.D.S Audit and Consulting

Audit and Consulting offers entrepreneurs, craftsmen, traders and self-employed professionals a local service, taking care of the accounting, administrative, legal, tax and social aspects of businesses in Haute-Savoie, Ain and Switzerland.



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